Digital voice players
· MP3 file player modul with 5 inputs
· MP3 file player modul with 1 inputs
· MP3 file player modul with 2 inputs
Switching clocks:
· CLOCK50-M, Programmable switch clock, with 2x50 program storages, one switching output
· CLOCK50-6, Programmable switch clock, with 2x50 program storages, 6 switching output
„CLOCK50 programmable clocks (CLOCK50M , CLOCK50-MP3, CLOCK50-6)
The CLOCK50M, and CLOCK50MP3 switch clocks are primarily designed to control the school bells. The electronics can operate the standard bell, but the CLOCK50-MP3 can also play an mp3 audio file at the specificed times.
The CLOCK50M switch clock, that able to switch the "ordinary", already installed bells, tested, boxed, together with a power supply, plus a USB cable and the PC program 150 euros.
The complete school bell clock, with a 12 volt ringer, a higher power supply, 170 euros. The package includes everything, that needs for the "ringing". So the switch clock with the PC program, the school bell, and the power supply. If you send me the ring times, I will program them, so you just have to plug in the power supply.
CLOCK50-MP3: This is an extended version of the CLOCK50M timer, with an MP3 player. The sound signal can go to a sound system. It is also possible to launch two audio files from by two buttons. (Fire alarm, etc.) The audio output is a 3.5 stereo jack. An SD card is required to store MP3 files, but a pendrive can also be connected.
The CLOCK50suli switch clock with MP3 playback, with 128 mb SD card, power supply, USB cable, and the PC program, boxed together 195 euros.
A CLOCK50-6 kapcsoló óra készen, tápegységgel, USB kábellel, és a felprogramozását lehetővé tevő CLOCK50MP PC programmal együtt, 58.000 Ft, bedobozolva 61.000 Ft. (Az árakban nincs benne a rádiós távkapcsoló. Ez jelenleg tesztelés alatt.)
- You can play MP3 files.
- It has digital inputs, to which pushbuttons or other transmitters can be connected.
- You can drive a speaker directly.
Several MP3 player circuits were made.
The number of starting inputs ranges from one to ten, MP3 audio can be stored in the internal memory of the audio player module, or on an SD card, or a pen drive.
MP3 voice player with 5 inputs, SD card version:
There is 5 starting inputs. The files are stored in an SD card. It has a 3 watt amplifier. The volume can be adjusted for each sound separately.
The tested MP3 file player modul , with 5 starting inputs 50 euros, with 128 mb SD card 57 euros.
MP3 voice player with 5 inputs, with 4 mb built in memory:
It has five audio starter inputs. The MP3 files are stored in a 4 mega byte internal memory, and have a 5 watt amplifier.
It also has an audio output. (3.5 mm jack connector.) The volume can be adjusted for each sound separately.
The tested MP3 file player modul , with 5 starting inputs 50 euros
MP3 voice player with 1 inputs, and 4 mb built in memory:
The central of the circuit is an MP3 player module, with a microcontroller control. The microcontroller watches the inputs / buttons, and controls the MP3 player module, and the indicator LED. It has one start input. If this goes to a low level - due to a signal, or simply press the button for the input - it will start playing the assigned file. To store the audio files, the module has a 4 megabytes of internal memory.
The tested MP3 file player modul 50 euros
MP3 fájl lejátszó 2 bemenettel:
Az áramkör központi eleme egy FN605-ös MP3 modul, kiegészítve egy mikrokontrolleres vezérléssel. A mikrokontroller figyeli a bemeneteket/gombokat, és persze vezérli a lejátszó modult, és a jelző LED-et. Két indító bemenetünk van. Ha ezek valamelyike alacsony szintre kerül – egy „kontakt” jeladó hatására, vagy egyszerűen megnyomjuk a bemenethez tartozó gombot – elindítja a hozzá rendelt fájl lejátszását. A hangfájlok tárolásához van modulnak van egy 4 megabájtos belső memóriája, de akár egy külső pendrive-ot is le tud kezelni.
A két választó bemenetes MP3 fájl lejátszó 15.000 Ft.
Az áramkör 9-15V DC, és legalább 500mA-es terhelhetőségű tápot igényel. Az áramkörhöz - is - használható DC 9V/1A-es hálózati adapter (dugasztáp) 2.500 Ft. . A hanglejátszóhoz - is - használható hangszórók, hangfalak ismertetője itt.
More information, ordering: Csaba Torkos , or Hungary, 8100 Varpalota, Tancsics u. 7. Telephone: +36 30 9472294, but If it possible, on email, my english is poor....